Written by Oliver McLaughlin 22.07.24

Why Astute?

The Cambridge Dictionary defines the word astute as being:

‘able to understand a situation quickly and see how to take advantage of it’

As an independent, experienced and specialist transport planning consultancy, we want to be known as experts in our chosen field. As a business, we strive to be:

  • Approachable

  • Rigorous

  • Astute

We pride ourselves in our knowledge of the planning system, as well as transport infrastructure, policy and design standards. We also have extensive experience of working within our home patch, the northwest of England, as well as across the UK.

This experience means that we have a close network of contacts including built environment professionals and Council Officers which leads to a thorough understanding of national and local issues that can influence development.

Our approach first and foremost is to understand our client’s aims and objectives at an early stage. We pride ourselves on being able to give early, detailed advice, whether relating to the suitability and sustainability of a site for development, the creation of an initial access strategy, highlighting local problems or potential showstoppers.

All of the above can be provided very quickly with estimated costings, allowing our clients to make astute decisions about how they wish to proceed.

We can guarantee that every site will be initially considered by one of our management team of experienced transport planning professionals.

From this foundation, we are then well-placed to help progress a scheme through the feasibility, design, planning application and implementation phases of a development project.

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