Expertise Services

Our Services

Initial Pre-Planning Stage

We offer early project advice, reviewing site feasibility and ensuring masterplans 
include effective transport and mobility proposals.

Our services cover:

  • Initial site review and opinion.

  • Site access strategy development and preliminary highway design.

  • Transport feasibility studies.

  • Assist with masterplan appraisal and development.

  • Site promotion through the Local Plan process.

  • Active travel and accessibility assessments.

  • Car parking studies.

  • Resolution of existing access problems.

  • Infrastructure design and costing.

Planning Applications

Development proposals that will generate significant movement need supporting 
assessments of transport issues, in line with Government policy and guidance. We 
specialise in preparing transport submissions for planning applications.

Our services cover:

  • Preparation, analysis and review of transport data.

  • Junction modelling.

  • Transport Statements and Transport Assessments.

  • Travel Plans.

  • Parking and delivery strategies.

  • Input into Design & Access Statements, Planning Statements and Environmental Impact Assessments.

  • Attendance at public exhibitions, consultation events and committee meetings.

Post Planning Support

We offer post-planning services, supporting our clients through the application review/determination process to enable them to deliver their projects.

Our services cover:

  • Preparation of transport reports to address comments from Highway Authorities.

  • Negotiate planning conditions.

  • Input into Section 106 and other legal agreements.

  • Travel Plan implementation.

  • Construction Traffic Management Plans.

  • Advice on legal procedures such as Traffic Regulation Orders, Stopping Up Orders and highway licences.

  • Assist with Public Rights of Way diversion applications.

  • Stage 1 Road Safety Audits and Designer’s Responses.

  • Management of the detailed design of highway improvement works.

Expert Witness

We provide expert witness evidence for hearings and inquiries:

  • Consideration of evidence to establish the strength of a case.

  • Preparation of written evidence for written representation planning appeals.

  • Prepare and negotiate Statements of Common Ground.

  • Provision of evidence and attendance as Expert Witness at Hearings, Inquiry and Local Plan Examinations in Public (EIP).